Blockchain Applicability in F.M.C.G.

Can blockchain technology be beneficial to F.M.C.G. or could it actually be more of a hinderance?

The application of blockchain technology is normally not as straightforward as it seems initially, as in-depth planning and rethinking of various processes is most likely required in order to achieve the optimal outcome. Stringent assessment must take place to ensure that one is not trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.


A Strategic Response

Blockchain is set to revolutionise any transaction-based industry.

Adherence to regulations and ethical sourcing are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what blockchain and smart contracts can facilitate much more efficiently over traditional systems.

Together with IoT devices, blockchain provides unparalleled efficiency and visibility advantages in the traceability of physical movements and underlying goods. With the right assessment and implementation, blockchain can automate and digitise the end-to-end supply-chain process in a complete and systematic way.


Maintaining supply chain agility is of utmost importance for many different reasons. Unexpected disruptions (such as pandemic) or food recalls are still some of the most challenging aspects that the blockchain technology could potentially provide a solution for.


Siloed and fragmented data with no standardised integration procedures poses an ongoing threat and inefficiency. A single source of truth – decentralised and verifiable – can provide consumers and stakeholders confidence.


A consumer cares about the origin, quality and uniqueness of any given product, often with an emotional narrative. The verifiability and immutable nature of blockchain enables consumers and anyone with correct permissions to instantly access this information.

Can Blockchain Technology Help?

Let’s action an assessment to identify how blockchain and other technologies will help your organisation.