Healthcare and Blockchain

How technology can improve the integrity, privacy and efficiency of the medical data being shared, as well as automate the associated processes.

Privacy is the centre-piece of the medical industry. Sensitive data is being collected, stored and shared all the time, all over the world. What if this data could be stored securely in a decentralised manner, automated in a smart way and permissioned to enable collaboration and sharing with authorised medical personnel – all in an autonomous, accountable and verifiable way?


Ownership Based Choices

The power of a blockchain-based record system, facilitating the retention of information ownership without compromises.

Many of the existing problems in healthcare management systems can be resolved through the implementation of a blockchain technology solution. Secured by cryptographic keys and with a decentralised architecture, a blockchain enabled healthcare platform could protect privacy, whilst also creating an environment where patients can be incentivised to share anonymised data and participate in clinical research, should such activities be authorised by the user.

A single, decentralised source of truth would resolve some of the problems we currently experience with data fragmentation. Such a paradigm shift will undoubtedly come with challenging obstacles, both in the aspects of patient acceptance and regulatory scrutiny.

Rather than having multiple siloed systems with disparate data sources across healthcare, a carefully architected global blockchain with the ability to scale and handle big-data will ensure that both patients’ and practitioners’ best interests are looked after.

Privacy & Ownership

Blockchain technology can enhance confidentiality and preserve privacy through cryptographic and non-cryptographic approaches that include encryption, anonymisation and access control.


Patient confidentiality can be maintained much more effectively on the blockchain as patients retain control on whether historical data should be shared with professionals. This will reduce stigmatised issues and have an overall positive effect on the patient seeking treatment.


Data management and user error is still relatively common, despite various stringent protocols and measures put in place. Blockchain based technology enforces data consistency and smarter abilities to automate otherwise mundane and error-prone operations.

New-Found Transparency

The traceability and integrity of both patient data and healthcare supply chains are two of the biggest problems that blockchain technology is aiming to solve.